Canada Soccer Agent Association

Corporate Membership

Become a CSAA Corporate Member to get great benefits, vote at our Annual General Meeting, and show your support for the Soccer Agents industry.

This level of membership is for any corporation, company, partnership or proprietorship engaging in any type of Soccer agent service and has a minimum of one FIFA licensed Agent, that subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the association.

Corporate Membership Benefits

  • Post job opportunities for free  on the CSAA website
  • Access exclusive member benefits and discounts
  • Access CSAA’s archive of Soccer  industry articles, presentations & online journal
  • Access our news subscription service and FFAR communications and information provided by the FIFA
  • Access network opportunities with industry peers
  • Discounts at CSAA events, seminars and symposiums.

Show off your CSAA Membership

  • Receive an official CSAA Membership certificate for framing
  • A complimentary CSAA embroidered crest
  • Use of the CSAA member badge on your company vehicles, letterhead, websites & promotional items

International Membership

You maintain business operation centres in more than one Country.

You Have a maximum of 4 voting member


annual fee

National Membership

You maintain a single business operation centres in a single Country

You Have 1 voting member



annual fee


Internation and National Participating Membership Applications must include:

  1. Your Business Registration Number
  2. Company representative Valid FIFA Agent License (If work with minor in Canada, please produce a valid Criminal Check or Police report).
  3. Brief description of your companies’ activities
  4. Primary contact person and contact information