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Canada Soccer Agent Association
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Unless otherwise defined herein, definitions are as set out in The FIFA Football Agent Regulations
1. I acknowledge that, if my registration as an agent member of CSAA is approved, in order to remain registered as a member I must hold a valid Football Agent licence from FIFA.
2. I confirm that I am not a Player, Coach or an Official ('Official' as defined in the FIFA Statutes or any successor thereto, nor will I become a Player, Coach or an Official for the duration of my registration as a FIFA Registered Football Agent.
3. I acknowledge that if my registration as a CSAA member is approved, I will be entitled to use the designation "CSAA Registered member" (but no variation thereof) after my name in business relations and will be entitled to be issued with a Digital ID. I further acknowledge that I shall not be entitled to hold myself out as having any connection with The CSAA other than this designation and that any use of The Association's crest is strictly prohibited).
4. I understand that if I have not received approval to work with Minors from the CSAA, then I will not be authorised to approach or enter into any agreement with a Minor or with a Club in relation to a Minor during the course of my registration with The CSAA.
5. I confirm that I will respect and comply with any mandatory provisions of applicable national and international laws, including those relating to job placement, when carrying out my activities as a CSAA Registered member.
6. I declare that I have no contractual relationship with any league, association, confederation or FIFA that could lead to a potential or actual conflict of interest, and I confirm that, in case of uncertainty, I will disclose to The CSAA any relevant contract. I also acknowledge that I will be precluded from implying, directly or indirectly, that such a contractual relationship with a league, association, confederation or FIFA exists in connection with my activities as an CSAA Registered member.
7. I declare that I shall not accept any payment payable to a club in connection with a Transaction, such as a compensation payment, a solidarity payment or a training compensation payment.
8. I declare that I shall not take part in, either directly or indirectly, or otherwise be associated with, betting, gambling, lotteries and similar events or transactions connected with football matches anywhere in the world. I acknowledge that I am forbidden from having stakes, either actively or passively, in companies, concerns, organisations, etc. that promote, broker, arrange or conduct such events or transactions.
9. I agree to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of The FIFA Football Agent Regulations and the Statutes and Regulations of FIFA. I acknowledge that I am subject to the regulatory jurisdiction of FIFA.
10. I acknowledge that, should I act in breach of or fail to comply with any requirement of the Rules or Regulations of FIFA, I may be subject to disciplinary proceedings before a competent body and may be liable to such sanctions as the competent body may impose (including the removal or suspension of my registration or licence, or a financial penalty).
11. I acknowledge that The CSAA and FIFA shall monitor compliance with their Rules and Regulations and inquire into any matter which may constitute misconduct under their respective Rules and Regulations.
12. I acknowledge that The CSAA shall be entitled to request, and I agree:
- to attend and to answer questions or provide information at a time and place determined by The CSAA; and
- to provide to The CSAA upon its request any documents, information or any other material of any nature whatsoever held by me; and
- to procure and provide to The CSAA upon its request any documents, information or any other material of any nature whatsoever not held by me but which I have the power to obtain.
13. I further acknowledge that it is for The CSAA to determine the nature and extent of any material required for disclosure, which may include both personally and commercially sensitive material and data (e.g. bank statements must be disclosed in unredacted form, even where they contain items which do not relate to Intermediary Activity).
14. I acknowledge that The FIFA will obtain full details of any payment of whatsoever nature made to me by a Club or a Player/Coach for my services as an FIFA Registered Football Agent.
15. I acknowledge that The FIFA may obtain, if necessary, for the purpose of their investigations, all contracts, agreements and records in connection with my activities as a FIFA Registered Football Agent. Equally, I acknowledge that the bodies will obtain any other relevant documentation from any other party advising, facilitating or taking any active part in the negotiations for which I am responsible.
16. I acknowledge that The CSAA will process any data, whether personally or commercially sensitive, for the purposes of monitoring compliance with or inquiring into any matter which may amount to misconduct under its Rules and Regulations, and for the purposes of their publication.
17. I acknowledge that The CSAA may publish in the public press, on a website or in any other manner:
- the outcome of any inquiry;
- reports of any hearing, order, requirement, instruction, decision, proceedings, acts, resolution, finding or penalty;
- any representations, submissions, evidence and documentation created in the course of proceedings whether or not this reflects on my character or conduct.
18. I acknowledge that The CSAA may publish details of any disciplinary sanctions imposed upon me and, where necessary, will inform FIFA accordingly.
19. I acknowledge that this declaration shall be made available to the members of the competent bodies of The FIFA.
I have declared the above in good faith, based on the information and materials currently available to me, and I acknowledge that The CSAA shall be entitled to undertake such checks as may be necessary to verify the information contained in the above paragraphs.
I also acknowledge that if my situation changes in relation to any of the above paragraphs, I must notify The CSAA within 10 days.
In addition, I acknowledge that I am a Participant (as defined in the Rules of the CSA) and agree to be bound by the Rules and bylaw of The CSAA and the Statutes and Regulations of FIFA.
You are encouraged to read The CSAA's Privacy Policy, which provides detailed information on how The CSAA processes and secures your personal data, including our legal basis to process it. The Policy includes a section for Intermediaries under "How do we use your personal data?", which provides specific examples of how The CSAA processes your data. The Policy also includes further information on your data protection rights (e.g. your right of access), retention periods, who we share your data with, and how to contact our Data Protection Officer should you have any questions or queries.
By ticking this box, I agree to each of the above paragraphs. In addition, I once again acknowledge that I am a Participant and agree to be bound by the Rules and bylaw of The CSAA and the Statutes and Regulations of FIFA. If you are not able to tick this box, please contact The CSAA Player Status team.
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